Wednesday, December 23, 2015

OK. Guess Where? November 16th 2015

Monday November 16th 2015.

Yes - you guessed right - Mac Gregor Point.  

It appears Mother Nature is a true friend of ours right now.  Another few sunny, but cool days a head of us.

Arrived at the park after another very quiet drive here, and bonus - # 52 was available again.  Cannot believe our luck.

Took no time at all to get set up and be sitting outside with lunch.

We could hear the Chickadees but couldn't see them.  They will be very happy later, as we did remember their sunflower seeds this trip.

About 2 p.m. we set out on our walk.

As you can see this Nuthatch was very happy to see us back here - with food!

As was the Chickadees. 

Today at the Turtle Pond we did get to see a good sized turtle swimming along at a good speed.  However it was going a bit quick to get the picture.

From there we went to Sunset Point and today the Lighthouse in Southampton was quite prominent in the distance.

There is always something different to see around here.

Like a plant growing through the rocks at the water's edge.

Although not sunset time the scene is still very good with the sun over the lake.

Then we made our way to the beach.

Once again it was all ours, and very peaceful.

Along the trail going towards Merganser Cove we came across  a downed tree with a good amount of "shell" shaped fungi growing along it.

A little further along the trail the artists in the area had been busy at work, building what would represent a Tee Pee being built over a very large boulder.

This time we found a different trail leading us to Merganser Cove.

It was very damp and completely covered with leaves.

The cove was really clear and fairly calm. 

Once again all the Mergansers had disappeared but we did see a frog, which took off very quickly.

From the cove we made our way to the small pond, where, we had seen a lot of turtles sunning themselves in the summer.

Today however, they were all hiding, regardless of the sunshine.

We wandered back along the very quiet beach area to the trail that leads us back to #52.

It had been a really good walk for a couple of hours.  

We had seen 5 squirrels, a frog, a turtle, a flock of Chickadees and Nuthatches, a dog and 6 humans (if you count the nice lady who checked us in and took out money).

It cooled of very quickly late afternoon so the fire got going early too.

It remained very cool so we ate inside and spent the evening playing dominoes, which Mike began the Grand Champion of.

Tuesday November 17th 2015.

It was a bright sunny, very cool (+5 c) morning.  A little cool to eat out, so cooked out and ate in.

Then it was time to hit the trails.

Started off on the Deer Run Trail. No deer anywhere to be seen again.

This portion of the trail had some large swamp type areas.

One tree looked as if it was as deep in the swamp as it was into the sky.

We managed to find a different trail we had not been on before.  Part of the "Yellow" trail.

It was quite narrow and appeared not to have been used very often.  The vegetation either side of the trail was as tall as we were.

Somewhere along the trail we lost our "yellow" markers, so we wandered aimlessly along what might have been the trail for some time.

Then we managed to get onto the park roadway, then the Deer Run Trail.

And finally, after a few hours we made it back to #52 and El Campista.

So time for some tea and a little relaxation before lunch.

A friendly Blue Jay stopped in for a visit and enjoyed the sunflower seeds.

After lunch we decided to walk the boardwalk to the Turtle Pond, where the Chickadees, Nuthatches, Blue Jays and Squirrels were very happy to us and enjoy their seeds again. 

On the board walk just past the Turtle Pond we found another friend "Ricky" Raccoon.

This raccoon was completely oblivious of us being there for several minutes, then suddenly it sensed something odd.  (Yes, it was us "odd" People).

So it turned and wandered into the bush area.

Slightly different to yesterday, a little more choppy due to the wind today.

We did see an Eagle soaring way above us at the Point.  Just could not get the picture it was way too high.

When away from the actual Point and in a sheltered area the lake remained quite calm again.

I did manage to find another piece of driftwood.

With a little imagination it could resemble an animal face.

Just managed to get a shot of the sun beginning to set over Lake Huron.

Then back to our site to get the fire started.   That was a difficult chore as the wind was very strong at that point and not helping at all.

It was quite cozy once the wind dropped a little and the fire got going, but it didn't last too long, so we spent the evening inside again.

And yes - Mike became the over all Champion of Dominoes this trip.

Wednesday November 18th 2015.

Had some rain through the night, but all completely dry this morning.   Probably due to the 60 km hr southern winds we have right now.   Lucky it is a southern wind and not so cold right now.  The forecast is for chance of FLURRIES by the weekend.

Once again time to head home.  It's been another really great camping trip, and may be the last one for this season.  Unless we win the lottery of course, then we would be heading south to see Vince, Barb and Kayleigh.    Wouldn't that be great?

Left the park about noon, usual stops along the way, then home.

Catch you all again soon.

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