Saturday, December 12, 2015


Tuesday October 6th 2015.

Yes, today we are heading to Ontario's West Coast area.  We are going to Point Farms Provincial Park, near Goderich.  We have not been there this year.

It was a cloudy start to the day, but not cold.

We took a little different route to our usual way.  Headed into Hanover, Walkerton then through the country side to Wingham.

Continued through the very quiet countryside towards Goderich, where gas was a lot cheaper than it was in Durham.

Then on to Point Farms.

Took site #150.  This was a really good site.  It was very quiet and peaceful here.

Still cool, the sun was certainly having a restful afternoon.

After lunch we made our way to the beach.

We were really surprised to see how much higher the Lake was this year to last year.

The beach was really quiet. 

We could see the Salt Mines in Goderich in the distance.

There were still quite a few flowers in bloom along the beach area.

Further along the beach we came across an interesting piece of driftwood.  Wish we could have taken it home and put a thick glass top on it.  It would have made a great coffee table.

Close up of the drift wood.

And another close up.

Then a few yards along the beach we came across two chairs made out of a downed tree trunk.

They would have gone so well with my coffee table!

From the beach we climbed 143 steps up to the Ravine Trail.

We did stop half way up to take pictures and rest our legs.

The Ravine Trail is one of our favorites here.

It too is a lot of climbing and allows us to be up in the tree tops.

Mind you, it is a very deep ravine.  So a long way down.

From the Ravine Trail we got on to the Tortoise Trail, where there were even more flowers.

Wandered past the old barn on the edge of the Old Farms Trail.

Then we headed back to our site.

Couldn't believe we had been out walking for just over 2 hours.  It was a fun walk and time just flew by.

Relaxed outside reading and writing until it cooled right off.

Then time to light the camp fire, and that is where we remained for the rest of the evening,  Even cooked dinner over the fire - it was delicious!

Another really good day to chalk up. 

Wednesday 7th October 2015.

Much brighter today and even a bit warmer.

After breakfast, which we could cook and eat outside, it was time for a study of the map and plan the route for the morning.

We decided we would walk The Old Farms Trail, which goes around the whole park.

From our site we walked the short trail to the Hare's Trail (we did the Tortoise Trail yesterday).  That bought us out to the old barn again.

 Then on to The Old Farms Trail where the fall colours were showing their beauty.

We also came across what could be a look at some Old Folklore -  it is true apparently, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree".

There were quite a few picnic tables along the route, which served very well to gather one's energy level again.

It was an easy trail to walk, but does cover quite a fair amount of ground.

This gives you an idea of our walk.

The sun kept us very comfortable.

Made it back to #150 about 1 1/2 hours later.  Just the right time for tea and cookies!

Around lunch time the clouds rolled in again and it cooled right off.  It actually felt like October, not August.

Lunch done and the sun came back to greet us, so time for another walk.

This time we decided we take Sawmill Road down to the beach.

This is quite a steep walk down to the beach.

It was  quite a shock when we did reach the beach.  The Lake was nothing like yesterday, when it was quiet and calm.

Today was noisy and lots of whitecaps.

Still very nice though.

We walked to the far end of the park perimeter then back along the beach to the stairs.  Yes all 143 of them, and it was a good workout again.

This is the beach from the top of the stairs.

From the top of the steps we made our way to the Wright Trail and the area that had once, many years ago, housed The Point Farms Hotel.

Unfortunately there is no evidence of the Hotel today, just the sign and info relating to the area.

Then it was back to #150 to relax in the sun for a while, and just like yesterday it did cool off very quickly, so we lit the campfire, and again like yesterday, that was were we remained for the rest of the evening.

Thursday 8th October. 2015.

Awoke to a bright, sunny, cool, +5c, morning.  It was OK to cook breakfast outside, but we ate in El Campista.

Then it was time to pack our things away and head back to Durham, ready for our Thanksgiving weekend.

First stop on the way home was The Erie Belle for our luncheon Treat.   Then a leisurely drive back to Durham.

Actually home in time to watch the Blue Jays game on the TV.

Looking forward to the next camping trip.

Where to ?  Will let you know when we know.

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